Welcome to my site.  Photography, particularly wildlife photography, has been a hobby of mine for many years.  After having taken thousands of photos, some of which are actually quite nice, I want to share them so that others can see the beauty of creation.

I'm blessed to live in the beautiful Bulkley Valley, in northwest British Columbia, and I'm surrounded by beauty.  I particularly feel privileged to see frequently the animals and birds that live in our area, and my attempts to photograph them are part of my appreciation of how beautiful they are.  I'm sharing them here on this website so that others can also be blessed by them.

This site continues to be a work in progress.  Check back every now and then, and you should see new photos getting added, and labels and shooting data getting updated.

Hooded Merganzer


It is my personal goal to capture photographs of as many species as I can.  I'm constantly on the watch for species that I haven't yet captured, and I'm always looking for better photos of the species of the ones that I have.  However, I'd rather have a photo that isn't great than not have one at all for a species, so you'll see some photos here that I'd love to replace, but haven't had an opportunity to do so.








The photos on this site are not posted for profit.  You are free to make use of any of them for non-commercial purposes according to the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.  See below for terms of use.

Full resolution, watermark-free images are available for a $25 processing fee.

For K-12 students, this means that you may use any of these images in your school work, provided you cite the source.  If you happen to be one my students, there may be a small bonus mark for appropriately including one of my images in a school assignment.